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Florian Schneider: Collaboration: The Dark Site of the MultitudeCollaboration is one of the guiding terms of an emergent political sensibility in which certain collectivities and mutalities are being redefined as modes of affectual politics. Collaboration, literally, means working together with others, especially in an intellectual endeavour. The filmmaker and activist Florian Schneider makes in this short text around collaboration and its ontologies an important statement in relation to notion of consensus and feel good, instead he argues collaborations are the sites of revolutionary potential. In the last instance collaborations are driven by the desire to create difference and refuse against the absolutistic power of organization. Collaboration means to overcome scarcity and inequality, as well as to struggle for a freedom to produce. It carries an immense social potential, as actualization and experience of the unlimited creativity of the multiplicity of all productive practices. Download here: Florian Schneider: Collaboration: The Dark Site of the Multitude |