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International Festival: The Kitchen at Haus der Kulturen der Weltmy house - International Festival International Festival The Kitchen is a celebration of being together. A sustained moment inserted in the House of World Cultures for no other reason than to engage in conversation. A few hours of unconditional talking, of being in the glitter and the attraction of engagement. International Festival provides circumstances and invites you to part-take in the activity of kitchen. The Kitchen is brought to you directly from IKEA, full of surprises and all those things that makes a party. International Festival wants to live the kitchen with you. To make sandwiches together, obsessively trying to remember how to create a cosmopolitan, squeezing lemons, preparing a cheesecake and just being us in “my houseâ€. International Festival The Kitchen is part of my house an event in the program my construction site at Haus der Kulturen der Welt. my house: lecture-presentations with Beatriz Colomina, François Roche, Philippe Rahm and Horst Schwebel, Yang Lian, Renata Salecl, Jesko Fezer, Mathias Heyden and John Palmesino. Food and refreshements provided by International Festival 14.00 – 24.00 |