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International Festival: The Theatre - The Announcement
After the successful marking of Karmeliter Platz on the 18th of June The Theatre now set off a series of events building up to the main act, the opening the 21 September 2007. Meet up for a participatory midnight event, in order to make Graz wake up a happier place. The announcement is first out as The Theatre reveals itself to Graz by spreading its logo throughout the city. The world of advertisement is it poster, the action to customise the city’s posters with confetti. The Theatre adds a bit of colour and joie de vivre, claims the world of marketing, and adds a bit of confetti to everybody’s life. This is no street theatre its about making the street a stage, an urbanist mis-en-scène proposing an architecture of happiness. Confetti is our logo and The Theatre gives you the licence to spread it. On 13 July 23.30 we gather at Karmeliter Platz to, like reversed pathfinders, invite the city to come find us. Like Hänsel und Gretel we’ll wake up a Graz covered in confetti. As The Theatre’s team cover every poster and billboard in the city with our logo, you can follow the adventure from the head quarters at Karmeliter Platz, where The Theatre will be throne during Steirischer Herbst. Information and drink will be available, and we will finish off with classical Swedish night-food. |