Brian Massumi on Digital Architecture

Brian Massumi is one of the most interesting thinkers following in the footsteps of Gilles Deleuze today. Massumi address Delueze thinking in various ways among others notions of virtualiy and affect. Massumi bring to todays political as well as e.g. architectural discourses some of Delueze text.
Read an extra ordinary interview made by Thomas Markussen starting with the kitschy blur building by Diller + Scofido but going into rather curious matter thinking through the digital regimes of architecture today.

Check it out here Transforming Digital Architecture from Virtual to Neuro

Another great interview was made by Mary Zournazi where the focus is rather on notions of affect. Navigating Movements: An Interview with Brian Massumi

You can also download a heap of cool texts from Massumi's own homepage.

You can also download the video of an excellent lecture given by Massuni in Berlin this February Perception Attack