User loginNavigationThe TheatreContentIF University at the Van Abbemuseum Archive In The Making IF Takes a Shower International Festival collaboration with BadCO.
International Festival StuffContact |
International Festival: Sing This All Together (See What Happens)presented by Elaine Levy Project, Brussels, 24 January - 10 February 2009 In a series of interventions taking place in between the scheduled program at Elaine Levy Project International Festival is concerned with the performed architecture of temporary and micro communities in relation to production of subjectivity. With a light gesture resonating of lowbrow glam the second episode examines relations between amplification and production of political communities. After opposing the politics of research with the notion of rehearsal utilizing the rock band in a scenario contesting the linear economy of representation, the dramaturgy has shifted to highlight the emergence of power in relationship to presence and term of response. Inserting an object with strong political aura into a play with superficiality, reflection and seduction proposes a politics in the making questioning the stabilizing regime of representation. In the period between two exhibitions a number of modified megaphones (8-12) will be placed in the gallery space proposing a reversed exorcism of the partial object, in other words performing a desire to become possessed. The gallery staff is instructed not to use the megaphones but their very presence will inevitably initiate a drive towards the transubstantiation of a voice detached from the subject - this process insists on a process of individuation. |