International Festival Plastic Music

IF plastic 2005. The ultimate International Festival mix compilations for download. During the Grand European Plastic Bag Tour a great deal of music was played in the International Festival Volkswagen. Today International Festival release a m-murderous mix of a bunch of the glitter and bubbles songs that steamed the car and flooded the autostradas of Europe. This is the beginning of a new department of International Festival with releases of ballistic mixes from all over. Cry baby is a one hour long remix of the classic techno hit from 1988. IF 2006 is just a compilation of pure pleasure.

Check it out! New Updates. The download is soo for free.

Download compilation here: IF Plastic Music (mp3) (72 MB)

Download compilation here: IF Cry Baby (mp3) (86 MB)

Download compilation here: IF 2006 (mp3) (54 MB)

Download compilation here: IF 2007 (mp3) (22 MB)