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International Festvial in collaboration with BADcoMemories Are Made of This - International Festival collaborates with BADco on a notebook-like performance about the mechanism of forgetting, emotional bankruptcy and spaces that were never there. See BADco on TV. "Instead of being sorry for yourself, listen" she said. (She always says "Listen," because she thinks while she talks /really/ thinks.) F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Crack-Up After the success of "trailers" for the performance memories are made of this... in November 2006 BADco. presents the premiere series of our new international co-production. Borrowing the title from the famous Dean Martin song, this notebook-like performance explores the mechanisms of forgetting, emotional consumption and remembering moments and spaces that have been evacuated or that were never there. Pravdan Devlahovic, Ana Kreitmeyer, Krešimir Mikic, Nikolina Pristaš, Zrinka Užbinec & Damir Bartol Indoš Directed by Goran Sergej Pristaš¡ Collaborators: Tor Lindstrand/International Festival (space), Daniel Fischer (software), Nicolas Siepen (film), Miljenko Bengez (lights), Silvio Vujicic (costumes) Design: Gordan Karabogdan |