IF - whatever you want it to be

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The International Festival fragrance was released the 26 February 2005 in the context of Longue Nuit de la Danse at Kaaitheatre Brussels.
One thousand bottles were offered to the audience without further instructions, offering each individual spectator to activate the theatre space in a different way. The perfume IF proposed a process of subjectification independent on if the individual desired to operate within a community or as singular.
The fragrance was created through the production of a specially engineered molecule unique for IF, hence the use of the perfume increase the amount of the IF molecule in universe. The molecule was constructed to smell excellent and contemporary, slightly heavy and long lasting.
The fragrance and its packaging was designed by International Festival and assembled during a week long performance in Kaai Theatre, to which no audience was invited.
During the event, which consisted of works by over 50 choreographers, the fragrance was spread and used by the audience, the use created an intense sense of space, community and intimacy.

The fragrance has after the event not been sold or given to anybody. The one thousand bottles will continue to perform an activation of space until the last bottle is destroyed. The estimated life span of the International Festival molecule is approximately 150 years.

The fragrance was created with a low alcohol dosage in order to protect sensite skin and was tested to ecologically.

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