International Festival The Story Continues

International Festival is a project initiated between architecture and performance presenting work in several cultural contexts. International Festival is all you could ever want it to be. More the real thing than Coke, a just done it in relation to Nike, it is free your mind and the rest will follow. It is music in your mouth and disturbingly healthy.

Four Ecologies of International Festival

For the 2009 Shenzhen and Hong Kong Bi-city Biennale of Urbanism / Architecture 2009 International Festival intend to reconstruct Reynar Banham’s notion of the Four Ecologies of Los Angeles, using it as a kind of impossible map in order to encounter the city from a, so to say, oblique perspective. It is our belief that this strategy can activate our understanding of the city differently and at the same time force us to acknowledge the conditions through which we address the city and region. The purpose is not to re-enact the document – in the sense of look a like – but on the contrary reconstruct it through contemporary discourses dealing with architecture and performance as well as economy, environment, technology, mediation, social issues etc, and more over use it as a resistance to encounter the city and its inhabitants in ways, so to say, unthinkable.

The project thus can be understood as 1. The production of architecture (actions as production of space) 2. As an urban mapping project 3. As a durational performance in the urban landscape 4. As projects in their own right (a document that can be shared).

International Festival: You Got Me Rocking

International Festival presents their latest work, , at VOLTA5, Basel Art Week. A multi-layered, overlapping spatial performing set-up. Together with visitors we are creating a bubble-gum wall on a pre-raphaelite mexican backdrop, engaging in space changing mascot activities dressed up as two pink rabbit-dogs as well as showing the entire Elaine Levy Project in a specially designed compact whirlwind of consumerism.

It is CAPITALISM goes HYPERDRIVE paired with unconditional GENEROSITY.

International Festival: ART Brussels

At this years ART Brussels International Festival is presenting videos, books, megaphones and strawberry scent. Doing the disco together with artists Jota Castro and Patrick Guns for Elaine Levy Project. The feeling is up and recession is over.

International Festival: Fortune Teller

presented by Elaine Levy Project, Brussels, Opening 7 February 2009 in the context of "Gimme More"
Fortune Teller is International Festivals contribution to the 3rd anniversary group show at Elaine Levy Project, Brussels. This sculptural object made of t-shirts and fluff was originally conceived for Tate Liverpool as part of the large-scale installation Start Me Up, 2008 - 2009.

International Festival: She's A Rainbow

For five days International Festival has gone She’s a Rainbow setting up op-centre in Tate Liverpool. Together with a group of architecture students from the Univ. of Liverpool and The Royal Inst. of Technology in Stockholm in addition to choreographers from International Festival has been diving deep down belly flop into the crack between architecture and performance - which is not exactly equal to dances and houses but rather Bob Fosse meets x-mas decoration or Hundertwasser gone wii-fit - to research alternative modes of production. A mixture of perspectives has been exercised from PCM (Paranoiac Critical Method) to drifting and detournement borrowed from the Situationist, to Duck and Cover and AOL (Additive Opportunistic Leeway). This Saturday a catalogue of proposals and diversions will be unpacked in the context of the exhibition The Fifth Floor – Ideas Taking Space at Tate Liverpool - including social activities, refreshments, performance and celebratory actions.

International Festival: Sing This All Together (See What Happens)

presented by Elaine Levy Project, Brussels, 24 January - 10 February 2009

In a series of interventions taking place in between the scheduled program at Elaine Levy Project International Festival is concerned with the performed architecture of temporary and micro communities in relation to production of subjectivity.

With a light gesture resonating of lowbrow glam the second episode examines relations between amplification and production of political communities. After opposing the politics of research with the notion of rehearsal utilizing the rock band in a scenario contesting the linear economy of representation, the dramaturgy has shifted to highlight the emergence of power in relationship to presence and term of response. Inserting an object with strong political aura into a play with superficiality, reflection and seduction proposes a politics in the making questioning the stabilizing regime of representation.

International Festival: Start Me Up

The Fifth Floor: Ideas Taking Space, Liverpool, Dec 14th - Feb 1st 2009

International Festival's new piece opens on December 14th and runs until 1 February 2009 at TATE Liverpool. International Festival has been commissioned to design a social space for the show The Fifth Floor: Ideas Taking Space. A loose set of components and an abundance of more or less silly ideas facilitates the opportunity for a different experience of the museum. A modular and flexible film-set installation can be modified and reconfigured to host a myriad of performances and events. A series of activities – from gatherings of hobby groups to live performance by artists' collectives, from academic discussions to stand-up comedy – is being programmed by artists Jessie Blindell and Ailie Rutherford, Another Media and International Festival to run throughout the exhibition.

International Festival: I Know It's Gonna Work Out Fine

presented by Elaine Levy Project, Brussels, 15 - 27 November

In a series of interventions taking place in between the scheduled program at Elaine Levy Project International Festival is concerned with the performed architecture of temporary and micro communities in relation to production of subjectivity. The first episode brings forth the notion of “rehearsal”. It focuses upon the political undercurrents of working together, through a fragmented restaging of rehearsal footage of Rolling Stones. The intervention displaces modes of representation in order to question production of subjectivity, towards an affectual production that address possible processes of individuation.

Download soundtrack here

International Festival: Everything Is Turning To Gold

- a snapshot speed book production

On the Day of Architecture organized by the Swedish Association of Architects, International Festival assembled an editorial team. Together with a large portion of the architectural community in Sweden, they produced a book that is a snap-shot of the state of architecture across the globe. The book was produced on site over 8 hours by 500 architects and 7 choreographers fueled by 1500 cakes. As well as putting together seminal texts dealing with all aspects of architecture there was online interviews with top class professionals from all over the world, minute to minute monitoring of the upswing and recession of architecture, photo shoots, life size graphic design and opportunities to make your voice heard.

Check out the 500 diet on-line version HERE

International Festival: Mobile Disco

The mobile disco with International Festival. A one-night mobile-happiness-disco-tour through the city of Graz, performed during steirischer herbst 2008.

The smallest disco ever! Even smaller than Prince.

International Festival: It´s Only Rock ´N Roll (But I Like It)

September 11 - November 23 International Festival at the Venezia Biennale Architettura
When sunsets become architecture and devices point away from architecture fixed on the material of the monumental. This is when International Festival takes the Proustian effect by the hand, walking down the streets where nothing is about realisation but all about the potentiality of Strawberry Fields forever. This is a proposal for a weak space with unique qualities that architecture cannot hope to equal; variable, free, invisible, present and ever expanding. Fuzzy borders into corporate strategies for maximizing brand perception and enhanced consumer behaviour allowing us to define and inhabit new mental territories, where the persistence of architecture-as-monumental-space appear as evidence of sentimentality. A place where architecture is no longer limited to putting functions and objects in order, a situation in favour of a multitude of perspectives; shifting our understanding of inside and outside, producer and consumer, opportunity and annoyance. Most of all, setting things in motion, producing architecture that says: -Underneath every no flows an unbroken passion for yes.

International Festival: SWEAT - The Movie


As part of Impulstanz 2008 International Festival is in the process of making SWEAT - the future of dance movies.

Blake Edwards: [On the set of the Pink Panther] Mr. Sellers, welcome to Hollywood.
Peter Sellers: But this is Austria.
Blake Edwards: Hollywood's a state of mind.

International Festival: Sherlock Holmes and His Friends

20.000 multicolored balls, 190 pages and an answering machine massage compose the hieroglyphic structure of International Festival’s new work presented in the group show Toys R’ Us at Brändström & Stene Gallery in Stockholm. Opening 10 April 17.00 (10 April – 13 May).