International Festival: She's A Rainbow

For five days International Festival has gone She’s a Rainbow setting up op-centre in Tate Liverpool. Together with a group of architecture students from the Univ. of Liverpool and The Royal Inst. of Technology in Stockholm in addition to choreographers from International Festival has been diving deep down belly flop into the crack between architecture and performance - which is not exactly equal to dances and houses but rather Bob Fosse meets x-mas decoration or Hundertwasser gone wii-fit - to research alternative modes of production. A mixture of perspectives has been exercised from PCM (Paranoiac Critical Method) to drifting and detournement borrowed from the Situationist, to Duck and Cover and AOL (Additive Opportunistic Leeway). This Saturday a catalogue of proposals and diversions will be unpacked in the context of the exhibition The Fifth Floor – Ideas Taking Space at Tate Liverpool - including social activities, refreshments, performance and celebratory actions.

She’s a Rainbow was initiated by International Festival and Dr. Felipe Hernandez from the University of Liverpool with students from the School of Architecture at the Royal Institute of Technology, (University College of Dance in Stockholm) and School of Architecture at The University of Liverpool. The aim of the week long workshop was to research relations between performance and architecture. Over four days the participants have developed concepts and realized ideas all over the city of Liverpool.

Participants: Amanda Apetrea, Hugo Bass, Peter Behrbohm, Tim Conaglen, Ben Devereau, Lucas Dowsett, Alvin Ekmekciu, Sidney Leoni, Tor Lindstrand, Rebecca Lumberg, Halla Olafsdottir, Nicolo Sandri, Mårten Spångberg, Dani Ufermann